If you know me, you’ll know that as a summer baby, the winter months can be such a struggle for me. Maybe this is you too, or perhaps you love the fresh, cold winter months. For some reason, November seems to be the toughest winter month of them all. The autumnal colours have gone, it’s cold, the shorter days are making it harder to get outdoors, and Christmas is far too early to get excited about…

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The Art of Making Change: Mental Fitness in Action

The Art of Making Change: Mental Fitness in Action

The art of making change builds skills that strengthen mental fitness. There are many components to change management that need to be understood for this to be possible. Becoming a high performer can happen with solid habits, establishing clear goals, creating a roadmap, choosing a mindset to fuel you forward, and learning to overcome any obstacles faced. We all have the skills to navigate change, albeit fear-provoking at times. This article will enable you to tap into your capacity to manage the art of change with clarity, focus, persistence, and direction.

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