A Polly Prescription - Study Survival Guide
So, you've got a beast of an exam staring you down? Well, fear not, because we're about to turn that dread into some kickass confidence with a sprinkle of fun. Yes, you heard that right - with the right mindset and a few cheeky tips up your sleeve, let's light this candle, embrace the challenge, and show those exams who's boss - are you ready to rock this?
Take breaks regularly to recharge your brain. You will already have helpful habits and activities that you enjoy and that help you relax, such as going for a walk, yoga, gaming, or listening to music. Write a list of the top five things that keep you feeling topped up. Do them more!
Keep moving
Make time for 20 - 30 minutes of an activity that gets you moving more. Keep doing bite size blasts.
Self-care is like money in the bank. It builds up like an investment to help you go further. These activities can help you maintain a strong physical and emotional foundation, which is crucial for optimal performance.
Stay hydrated and nourished by eating foods that provide energy and nutrients to your body and brain. Consuming too much caffeine, sugar, or junk food can have negative effects on your mood, concentration, and energy levels.
Productivity experts have connected the use of mobile phones during a study to reduced effectiveness. Research also states that unplugging is an essential bedtime routine to enable a quality sleep experience. Remember, sleep is your superpower.
Get outdoors, change the environment to get perspective. This will keep you alert and help your positivity juices to flow. Green care, time spent in green spaces has been proven to have revitalising benefits.
Three positives
End each day by identifying 3 positives, making a habit of celebrating any successes that you achieved no matter how small.
Create a chillout zone in your bedroom to help you unwind after a day of work. This could include smells, images, and lighting that create calm in your world.
Choose your company wisely
Make time for friends who bring calm and encouragement to your day. Reach out to friends, family, teachers, for help and guidance when you need it. Join study groups or peer-to-peer support to stay motivated and accountable.
Do a mindset check-in
Notice negative or stressful thoughts and beliefs that may be hindering your performance and self-confidence. Remember they are feelings not facts. Practice saying an encouraging messages that you would say to a friend. Vsualise yourself walking proudly from your exam feeling accomplished. Find activities, places, or people that help you feel confident, focused, and motivated.
Have fun
Make time for the things you love or that help you rest play and recover. Make a list of treats and rewards that top you up and indulge you. Create at least half an hour every day to do something just for you. Protect this at all costs!