A green rural scene of trees and a lake, surrounded by green grass on a bright sunny day

Do you ever get so busy or wrapped up in tasks, work, or helping others that you forget to take care of yourself? Maybe you give your work or social media your attention and run out of steam to top up your tank?

My Inspiration: Nurture Your Zest

A few years ago I was interviewed by an inspirational friend and colleague, Ashleigh King, as a guest on her podcast show brilliantly titled Nurture Your Zest.

To me, this translated as finding things that are juice to jazz our thinking, being, and doing in more creative, curious, and powerful ways. Habits that help us stay on top of our game, fuel our tank so that we can kick up some dust.

The Role of Self-Nurture

In my experience as an occupational therapist and mental fitness coach, this is something many of us forget to do, including me at times. It's a way to take action to support your mental fitness instead of ignoring yourself at a cost to your health.

Simple but meaningful acts of self-nurture over time stack up like money in the bank supporting our physical, mental, and emotional wealth.

Finding Your Zest

Sometimes my zest is nurtured by energetic experiences; being outdoors, exploring new places, trying cool stuff that helps me feel fit and strong, and playing in the sea or on my bike.

At other times, it's about finding more calming activities; using the elements to connect to my seven senses, the smell of a roaring fire, listening to the sound of a stream, tasting new flavors on my tongue, watching waves lapping in and out, the rhythm of my hands swinging by my side as I stomp in the woods, the sensation of a cozy blanket wrapped tightly around my body.

On other occasions, it's meeting interesting people, learning something new, and stretching my mind.

FINDING What Works for You…

What works for you? Our capacity to thrive and win in life comes from doing things that make life feel juicy and fun whilst topping up our reserves.

So the million dollar question... How do you intend to nurture your zest this week?




A Polly Prescription - Study Survival Guide