Adventurous Coaching with Polly!

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Passions rekindled

Last year, I was given two gifts that delivered way beyond expectation and rekindled passions that have been missing from my life.

Reconnecting Through Travel: A Map and Poem

My dear friend Charlotte thoughtfully gifted me a map and poem about travelling. This reconnected me with my passion for travelling and it now fills my wall with a world view.It also prompted me to dig out my old travel diary and reminisce with my kids about past escapades. This turned me into a storyteller as I shared tales of places I had visited, people I met and some tricky situations that I survived along the way. Her gift helped me to keep past travel adventures in my mind and future voyages on my horison. It inspired me to hatch plans to visit some of the new places on my bucket list and to re-visit the places that I adore.

Walking into a New Hobby: Embracing My Walking Boots

The second gift was a pair of walking boots. Osteoarthritis in both knees resulted in me hanging up my running shoes. I missed the feeling of running hard and pushing myself in outdoors, that endorphin rush that follows and the headspace to leave all your worries behind. For some reason I had forgotten to apply my 'adapt, improvise and overcome' mindset to this challenge till, much to my surprise, I was presented with my walking boots. To say that these are now my most favourite possession would be an understatement. These shoes have taken me on numerous twilight and sunset walks since I acquired them. In one week alone they stomped over 65 miles. I have discovered a new hobby, enjoyed a more sustainable way to exercise, and maintained my sanity and equilibrium.

My walks have helped me to enjoy wildlife. I have been on coastal, river, beach and woodland walks. This year so far, I have ventured to Scottish Islands, Italian mountain villages, Spanish resorts and there is still more to come! I fully intend to let these walking shoes to take me to many parts of the world. Just wearing them makes me smile! What about you... what passions would you like to rekindle? Perhaps like me, you have overlooked activities that you previously adored. Has focusing on mundane everyday tasks has helped you to neglect your passions or restorative activities? This a common challenge that often has people asking for my help as an adventurous coach.

If you have fallen into the trap of allowing life to tick along, unintentionally neglecting things that used to bring you happiness and that sense of adventure, do not fear. It is possible to do something about this right now.Perhaps you want to re-discover activities that had you feeling topped up and exhilarated or maybe you want to try something new to create that fire in your belly! Often inspiration from others helps us to see more possibilities, adapt activities or expectations, and learn to problem solve around life’s challenges in order to live more audaciously.

HOW to live more audaciously…

Here are some top tips that might help you to leap in:

  • Get clear on the activities that help you feel happy that you have stopped doing

  • Identify one thing that you can embark on in the next week and schedule in

  • Ask yourself  'what difference will this make?’

  • Find a buddy, who will hold you accountable to doing what you say you will

It is my view that regardless of life’s limitations and responsibilities, it is always possible to have more, be more and do more. So wonderful people of the world… Set the intention... Commit... Make it happen!

My best hopes are that reading this will reconnect you of your audacious spark and remind you the activities that you would love to restart.

Gerard Way puts beautifully my final words on the matter:One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching

#100% Pure Polly – Living Life’s Adventure… I plan to dedicate my next blog to a surprise topicIn the meantime I wish you all a happy and energetic week. Want to know more about how to live your life's adventure?