Adventurous Coaching with Polly!

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Choose wise words

Our words have immense capacity for good if used wisely. For a moment, I invite you to consider the power of your words. Given that I have taken the time to write my words about your words, you may wonder why this subject matters.

It is my belief that your words, if used with intention, can enable you to create your own success, help you to express yourself, share a point of view or influence important decisions that affect your life.

Do your words help you to attract the things that you want more of in your life or do they focus on your struggles and your pain points? Why not pay attention to the words that you use day to day. Notice if they are limiting you or helping you to generate ideas, opportunities and solutions. Use your words to attract the outcomes that you want and need in life and to help you communicate what you want to share with the world!


With only a 'tweak' it is possible to frame your words in a way that generates curiosity and creates a mindset that will allow more possibility into your world.  For example, “I'm struggling with this” could become “I'm working out how to manage this differently”. “I never have enough...” might instead be “I am in the process of working out how to generate more...”.

Furthermore, what if your words could influence people around you too; You could change the course of someone's day, give hope and motivate an individual to aim high. When was the last time that you encouraged another soul? How did it impact them and how did that feel for you?

I challenge you, to realise the power of your words and to use them to generate value, inspire and to carry you to amazing places.I will finish off with wise words from Rumi...Raise your words, not youR voice

My best hopes … that my words will generate value, inspire you to use your words wisely and to carry you to amazing places.

#100% Pure Polly – Living Life’s Adventure… I plan to dedicate my next blog to living your legacy. In the meantime I wish you all a happy and energetic week. Want to know more about how to live your life's adventure?